BE FREE. Explore the freedom of creativity: bold, fearless curiosity. Leaping into the unknown means you don’t know exactly what you’ll experience, but you are not passive.

You aren’t waiting for someone to lead your dream or your desire. You paint that canvas even when you aren’t sure what the colors are.

I’m here to tell you what you already know: make it happen

I want to motivate you to dream, then, to take action.

Who Leaps?

Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Dr. Who all have in common the knowledge of leaping into the unknown. So does every atheist and Christian. Uncertainty is present in every decision. Even the most faithful will acknowledge this. Faith, after all, is belief in things unseen.

Any artist worth his salt explores the unknown. So do theologians, philosophers and scientists. 

​No guts. No glory.

Why Do We Leap?

Some folks can’t help themselves. They see a cliff or crevice and just feel the need to go for it.

Others consider what they believe and apply it confidently. When John Glenn went into space, he left confident he was coming back. Glenn was wise and willing. 

I respect the John Glenns of this world. They have boldly gone where no man has gone before.

You Too!

You aren’t Picasso? I’m not either. Leaping isn’t about who you are or what you do. It is about risk (intelligently). It is about freedom. It is about giving it a go even when don’t know where the going is.

So many inspirational speakers challenge you to, as Nike says, “Just do it.” Give it a go. Come on!

Read into my leap into children’s fiction.

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